Christmas in Womland  2001

"We wish you a Merry Christmas,
We wish you a Merry Christmas,
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year...."

Hi, Chewbacca! There's no time for sleeping.
Don't you hear a Christmas song?


Did someone call me?  I'm still sleepy.



Where did you call me? in here? Or from here?

Oh, I forgot! There will be a Christmas party in Womland today.
I have to go to meet Goro.
He'll come from Kyshu which is a long way from Tokyo


Chewbacca, here comes Goro!

Hello, Chewbacca. I'm Goro (male).
I live in Hibikinada Green Park, Kita-Kyushu.
Ken(male), Gen(male) and Momo(female) are resident in there, too.

I'm wrapped in a blanket.


I seem to be thick-piled and soft...., however, I'm actually bristly.
Would you like to touch me?

Do you think I'm gentle? 

By the way, Chewbacca, What are you going to ask Santa Claus
for a Christmas present?



I love sweet potatoes, but....., .I'd like to try corn, too...
I'm puzzled which to choose, because
I've just known Russell who's resident in Australia loved corn.
Have you decided yet, Goro?

 Pearl who hosts "Guri & Gura's site" gave me the pictures of Goro.
Please click the following and you can find more pictures of Goro.
Guri & Gura's site


Russell & Abigail, welcome to Womland!

We came from the suburbs of Canberra, Australia.

Hi, I'm Russell. I love corn.

Hi, I'm Abigail.
I don't like corn. I like to eat native grass.

Just arrived !!
2001/12/16 21:10:01

Russell has turned into Santa Claus !?
He came to Womland and said, " A very happy Christmas!"
Thank you, Russell !


The pictures of Russell and Abigail were taken by their foster parents, Donna & John and are subject to copyright.
I deeply appreciate your courtesy, Donna & John.

Please enter Russell The Wombat's Burrow and you can find more pictures of them. You'll be also able to find more about wombats (especially baby wombats) .
Seeing is believing !

We are also resident in Womland

Cuddly wombats' party

We wish you a very Merry Christmas !

We are

Baobab   Carrot   Popolu   Chewbacca    Wompy   Batty

Piccolo  Kobacca 


A present for Chewbacca

〜This photo was taken by Umi〜

" Umi, thank you for taking a wonderful picture of me.
It is much better than the original although I know I'm cool! *smiles*
The more I look at it, the more I feel nice.
The picture is inedible, however, I'm very pleased with it."


This picture was presented by Umi from Momoncyo Land.
Thank you, Umi.

*Momoncyo Land was closed in March,2006.